YOU can have a Go - Start - Golf kit for your church, ministry or summer camp!!
What can this do for your ministry? Golf with the Go - Start - Golf kit is the entry way for children and, even, some adults, to enter into the game of a lifetime.
There are fundamentals in golf that imitate life and this kit begins an engagement of a lifetime as well.
The standard kit contains enough Go Start Golf equipment to handle any basic youth group 1- 50 kids. The great thing is adults can do this right along with the kids. Why? Because it contains “four” lengths of clubs able to accommodate two-year- olds to 98-year- olds.
And because of its versatility and mobility it can be used indoors or outdoors, in gymnasiums or meeting rooms.
We have developed some simple programming that will introduce the four shots in golf as well as exciting golf games to engage the kids with the adults with great excitement. This all occurs while they learn the rules, courtesies and the swing of golf. The game will be progressively taught so that the kids that come out of this program will be ready to move into a junior set of clubs and onto the local golf courses. But it also provides a great tool for the parents to have a lifetime golf relationship with the kids.
What can this do for your ministry? Golf with the Go - Start - Golf kit is the entry way for children and, even, some adults, to enter into the game of a lifetime.
There are fundamentals in golf that imitate life and this kit begins an engagement of a lifetime as well.
The standard kit contains enough Go Start Golf equipment to handle any basic youth group 1- 50 kids. The great thing is adults can do this right along with the kids. Why? Because it contains “four” lengths of clubs able to accommodate two-year- olds to 98-year- olds.
And because of its versatility and mobility it can be used indoors or outdoors, in gymnasiums or meeting rooms.
We have developed some simple programming that will introduce the four shots in golf as well as exciting golf games to engage the kids with the adults with great excitement. This all occurs while they learn the rules, courtesies and the swing of golf. The game will be progressively taught so that the kids that come out of this program will be ready to move into a junior set of clubs and onto the local golf courses. But it also provides a great tool for the parents to have a lifetime golf relationship with the kids.